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NATIONAL CONFERENCE: 03                             Patent: 01
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: 10                  Copyright:01 (In Process)



1.    Presented a paper titled “Continuous Time Convolution Made Easy” in National conference ‘ETEM’08’ at  R.S.C.O.E.,Tathawade, Pune ,held on 3rd & 4th  March 2008.
2.    Presented a paper titled “Object Tracking and Following” in National conference ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science, Technology and Management-2012’ at  R.S.C.O.E.,Tathawade, Pune.
3.    Presented a paper titled “Detection of Parasites using Image Processing” in National conference ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science, Technology and Management-2012’ at  R.S.C.O.E.,Tathawade, Pune.


1.    Presented a poster on Research Project titled “A novel Wavelet Packet Transform Based Texture Identification using Mother Wavelet Generated from the Texture.” in ‘Innovation-2009-10’ at Singhgad C.O.E.Pune on 16th & 17th Dec.09.
2.    Presented a paper titled “Innovative Wavelet Packet Based Algorithm for Texture Identification for Textile Industry” in international conference ‘RTSCIT-09’ sponsored by AICTE & technically supported by IEEE (MP Subsection) & IEEE Computer Society (Mumbai Section), on “Recent trends in Soft computing and Information Technology” at Corporate Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal MP on 09th & 10th January 2010.
3.    Presented a paper titled “Drusen Detection Using Texture Features” in    International Research Symposium on “Management, Technology and     Engineering Science" ‘IRSMTES2011’ at Hotel Aurora Towers, Pune     organized by DIMR & CIM, Pune, on 23rd-24th November 2011.
4.    Presented a paper titled “Crack Detection in Industrial Pipelines Using Ultrasound Technology” in IC on Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication [ICEEDC] , ITResearch,ISBN:978-93-82702-19-1 on 10th March 2013.
5.    Presented a paper titled “Texture Classification using LBP variance” in IC on Advances in Engineering & Technology(ICAET-2013),Lonavala Pune on 15-17 May 2013.
6.    Presented a paper titled “Coin based Universal Mobile Battery Charger using Image Processing” in IC on Emerging trends in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation & Computer Raipur. ETEICE on 27 March 2014.
7.    Presented a paper titled ““The Serving Industrial. The Automated Drilling Machine” in IC on recent advances in engineering andTechnology (IRCRAET)  on 23rd March 2014.
8.    Presented a paper titled “Air Mouse” in International Conference Techno vision 2014 on 5-6 April 2014.
9.    Presented a paper titled “Two level QR code technique for private message sharing” in 3rd IC on advancement in engineering, Applied science and management on 20 Aug.2017
10.    Presented a paper titled “Tensor flow framework based CNN for face Recognition” in International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Pune on 30th-31st August 2019. ISBN: 978-81-941721-4-7.
11.    Presented a paper titled “Spatial Domain Texture Synthesis for Data  Embedding” in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Green Engineering, RSCOE Pune on 23rd-25th September 2021. 

1.    Published a paper titled “Innovative Wavelet Packet Based Algorithm for Texture Identification for Textile Industry” in International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 16,No.21,Special  Edition 2010.
2.    Published a paper titled “Drusen Detection Using Texture Features” in International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Vol-1, Issue 2 (II), Nov-11.ISSN No-2249-7455.  
3.    Published a paper titled “Detection of parasites using image processing” in              International Journal ACST Vol.5 Number 2(2012) Research India publications, ISSN 0973-6107, July 2012.
4.    Published a paper titled “Air Mouse” in Electronics Communication and Computer Engg, Vol-5, Issue (4) ISSN: 2249-071X, July 2014. []
5.    Published a paper titled “Texture Classification by Using Structural Texture Similarity Matrices” in International Journal Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, Vol-3, Issue-01, Jan-2015. 
6.    Published a paper titled “A Survey: Text Detection, Extraction and Inpainting” in IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735, PP 22-24,Dec 2015.
7.    Published a paper titled “Railway Ticket scanner system” in IJ ARCCE, Impact factor 5.332DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.5310, ISSN (online) 2278-1021,ISSN(Print) 2319-5940, March 2016.
8.    Published a paper titled “Reversible Texture Synthesis for Steganography” in IJ of Eng. Research and Management, Vol. 2 Issue 4, ISSN: 2348-3415, July 2016.               []
9.    Published a paper titled “Employee security in corporate cabs” in IJ of research in science & Engg., P-ISSN: 2394-8280,E-ISSN 2394-8299, Vol. 03, Issue-03,, May-June 2017.
10.    Published a paper titled “Two level QR code technique for private message sharing” in International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System (IJEECS), ISSN 2348-117X, Volume 6, Issue 8 , Aug.2017.
11.    Published a paper titled “Remote Voting Machine” in International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Volume 5, Issue 05,pg.655-660, e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406,  (SJIF): 5.71, May 2018.
12.    Published a paper titled “Steganalysis using RS method on Block Based Octal Pair Pixel Value Differencing Method” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, ISSN ISSN: 2278 – 909X, Volume7, Issue Pp.687-691, Aug.2018.
13.    Published a paper titled “Tensor flow framework based CNN for face recognition” in International Journal of scientific research and review, ISSN: 2279-543X, Volume 07, Issue 08, IF: 6.1, Vol.7, Issue-8, pgs. 185-196, Aug.2019.
14.    Published a paper titled “Smart System for Rain Water Harvesting” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, e-ISSN: 2320-9801, p-ISSN: 2320-9798, Impact Factor: 7.488, Volume 8, Issue 8, pgs 3165-3169, Aug.2020.
15.    Published a paper titled “Data Embeddable Texture Synthesis with Fast Data Extraction” in International Journal Helix, E-ISSN: 2319-5592; P-ISSN: 2277-3495, vol. 10, no. 04, pp. 83-89, Aug. 2020.


16.    Published paper titled “Periodicity and pattern size detection for quality improvement of the patch-based structural texture synthesis” in International Journal of applied Pattern recognition, Vol. 6, No. 4, pgs. 322 to 344, 2021. []
17.    Published paper titled “Software Based Smart Trolley with Advanced Billing System Using SIFT Algorithm” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Volume: 06 Issue: 05 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930, May 22.
18.    Published paper titled “Garbage Collection Using IOT” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Volume: 06 Issue: 28, Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930, May 22.
19.    Published paper titled “Automated Traffic Signal for Hassle Free Movement of Ambulance and Traffic Controlling” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Volume: 06 Issue: 06 , Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930, June 22.
Published a patent titled ‘Quality Improvement In Data Embeddable Texture Synthesis Using Wavelet Transform’ on 03/09/2021, Application No. 202121039313. Date of filing-31/08/2021.

Applied for a copyright titled ‘Textile textures database’. Diary No. 5088/2021-CO/A.



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This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.





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